February 26, 2008
The marine techs attach an acoustic pinger to the wire.
The sun is shining, the seas are calm and we can see the mountains again.
We’ve had a good day today. It finally feels like we are in the
groove. Coring is going well, and we’ve started two tracer experiments.
We’ve added the C-13 labeled phytoplankton to flux chambers. We’ll
monitor how the infaunal and microbial communities react to the additions.
It’s critical that we keep good records of all our experiments. We are
taking our record keeping high tech (for us old folks anyway). Andrew has
been busy transcribing notebooks and logs onto the computer so we can all
go home with electronic copies.
Rebecca checks on a flux chamber.
Craig is prepping a sediment trap and mooring. We’ll deploy one here at
Station B before we leave. It will be out an entire year before we
recover it. It has rotating cups, so one cup is in place under the funnel
collecting material for two and a half week and then another cup rotates
into place. Each cup is initially filled with a dense seawater-fixative
mix so that the trapped sediment does not degrade over the course of the
Position: 64 degrees 48.043 minutes South; 65 degrees 21.265 minutes West
Heading: 115.5 degrees
Speed over ground: 0.6 knots
Air temp. 2.3 degrees C; Water temp. 1.598 degrees C
Blog Archive
- Hump day and hump site.
- It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
- Word of the day: Optimism.
- Response to Mary
- If you have a big ship, you’ll need a big wrench
- One down, four to go.
- Response to terrikhnc
- Feb 22
- Response to Mat
- Finally!
- Goodbye Palmer, Hello Neumeyer Straight
- Responses to Tor and Mary
- Palmer Station. Will we ever get to work?
- Welcome to the lifestyles of the not-so-rich or fa...
- Land Ho!
- Meet the research team from Hawaii
- Working hard, or hardly working
- Shake, Rattle and Roll
- And we're off
- Holy moly, we're leaving tonight!
- Meet the NCSU gang!
- Hurry up and wait...
- Day 2 in Punta Arenas
- In Chile!!!
- Migrating South
- Packing for the Cruise
Thanks also for the great photos. It's wonderful to keep up with what you're seeing, doing, and finding down there.
Terri KH, Manteo, NC
Paulo Sumida
say hi to argentina if you see her :-)
I'll continue to read on...
How transparent is the water? Say, if you have a student type Secchi disk, how deep would it go?
Azaleas blooming in Charleston?
Lundie Spence, COSEE SE