Today was quite a day for visits.  Santa Claus took a few days from his vacationing in Patagonia to some visit the good boys and girls on the N.B. Palmer.  With all the wintery weather we have been having, a little Christmas in July celebration was certainly in order (belated though... we had work to do, so it got put off till August.  Whoops!) 

It was really great.  We decorated the tree with ornaments maritime, gifts were swapped, and we even busted out the liquid nitrogen for a little homemade ice cream.   The evening was full of cheer and yuletide glee as we transited north towards home.  All is well aboard the Palmer tonight...

Alyssa sports the most X-mas like sweater
Ice Cream!!  Liquid Nitrogen boils off at -196*C, so it freezes the mixture and harmlessly escapes into the atmosphere.  Science is sweet!


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